Studwelding Installations
(WA, SA and NT only)
Studco has been in operation for about 35 years, and installing studs for most of that. We have worked everywhere from 48 storeys up in the air to deep underground. From military installations to residential builds. From Kununurra to Esperance, from Garden Island to the Northern Territory outback. We pride ourselves on Organisation, Efficiency, and Flexibility to tackle any challenge. Call us today with your application.
Mobile Studwelding

Our Mobile Studwelding service operates in the Perth metro area. But have travelled as far north as Geraldton and as south as Albany. 30 years in operation Studco have all the equipment, the studs, and the expertise to get your job done in the quickest and most hassle free manner possible. Or if you prefer, you can also send your wearplates or other items to our workshop for studwelding.
Thru-Deck Studwelding

Onsite Thru-deck Studwelding is a specialised form of studwelding requiring great experience, and specialised welding equipment. We even bring our own power-source. Thru-deck studwelding is a specialty of ours. We welded about 250,000 studs thru-deck on the 48 storey BHP Tower in St Georges Terrace Perth, and about 250,000 studs on the new Optus Stadium. Other projects include Perth Arena, Perth International Airport, Perth Performing Arts Centre.
Studwelding Structures

Studwelding on large structures requires experience and the right equipment. Failure to set up right, failure to follow QA testing, failure to follow State, Federal and Site safety requirements can lead to catastrophic outcomes. Studwelding uses high currents up to 2000 amps, so set up and safety is paramount. Make sure you use the professionals and call Studco.
Studwelding on Minesites

Anyone who has worked on a Minesite knows that Minesites bring on their own world of complication to any task. Induction, Safety docs, VOCs, strict and often complicated protocols, onsite hierarchies, and methodologies, all come together to challenge any new contractor on site. Thankfully Studco have worked on many and varied worksites, from BHP to Rio Tinto to Worsley and Alcoa, even Gas Refineries. We have learnt to be highly adaptive and methodical in our approach to onsite safety and QA.